je suis erica

Just another site

Juice It!

So when I’m at home, my sister and I are all about juicing everything. If it can fit in a blender and has nutritional value, we will make a juice out of it. When I’m at work on the ships, it becomes much more difficult to be a juice junky. Even with a hand blender (which we’re not technically allowed to have onboard) access to fruit and veggies can be limited and we don’t have kitchens, etc etc. However, upon arriving to Tampa and perusing our local Publix, I discovered an absolutely magical line of juices. Suja Essentials are all juice, all natural, gluten/dairy/GMO free and incredibly delicious! I’ve since given up on juicing on my own and make a trip to Publix every week to stock up on tasty organic juices!!! If they sell them in your area, GET SOME!!! Or check them out online at!!


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